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Recognize the Causes and Ways to Overcome Bloody Sperm

The presence of blood in sperm can invite concern. In fact, bloody sperm or referred to as hemastospermia, is not always dangerous or a sign of a serious problem. Bloody sperm that is experienced by men under the age of 40 years, is likely to disappear by itself after some time. However, bloody sperm that is accompanied by other symptoms in the form of pain or fever, need to be examined. Especially the examination of the condition of the prostate gland or sperm analysis to determine the occurrence of blood sperm. Bloody sperm experienced by men aged over 40 years, generally have a tendency to need more treatment or evaluation.

Various Causes

Inflammation is the most common cause of bloody sperm. The blood contained in sperm can come from one gland or sperm channel in the body such as the prostate gland, urethra, edididymis, and seminal vesicles. Like inflammation, infection can also occur in these areas, causing sperm to bleed. Infection can be caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi or sexually transmitted diseases. If sperm bleed is caused by infection or inflammation, other symptoms such as urination may be painful. Some other possible causes of bleeding sperm, such as:
  • Vascular abnormalities

  • The blood contained in sperm can also be caused due to vascular or vascular abnormalities, which are in the form of vascular cysts in the male genitals.
  • Tumor

  • Benign polyps or tumors of the prostate, testes, epididymis, or seminal vesicles can cause sperm to bleed.
  • Impact of medical measures

  • Bloody sperm can also occur as a result of medical action taken. For example, measures to deal with urinary problems, catheter placement, radiation therapy, vasectomy, physical injury, and biopsy in the prostate gland.
  • Obstruction

  • Small ducts in the reproductive system that are blocked can cause blood vessels to burst and produce a little blood. Enlargement of the prostate gland can be one of the causes of the blockage. The condition, known as BPH (benign prostate hyperplasia), causes the prostate to enlarge and clamp the urethra so that sperm may bleed. In addition, obstruction can also be caused by stones in the urinary tract.
  • Prostate cancer

  • At the age of 40 years, the risk for prostate cancer is greater. This prostate cancer may also be one of the causes of the appearance of blood in sperm.
  • Certain medical conditions

  • Suffering from sexually transmitted infections or infections in genitourinary, high blood pressure, liver disease, leukemia can also cause the appearance of blood in sperm. Therefore, consult a doctor if you experience this.

Overcoming Bloody Sperm

To find out the cause of bloody sperm, the doctor will examine the complete medical history including sexual activity undertaken. Physical examination of the genitals is also done to find out the cause. There are two possible actions that doctors recommend to treat bloody sperm, which are home care or further treatment. Home treatments that can be done, such as:
  • Enough rest

  • If the sperm bleed is caused by a minor injury, the doctor will advise the patient to get enough rest so that the body's condition will recover. With improved health, the bloody sperm can disappear by itself.
  • Compress

  • If swelling occurs in the groin area, you can compress the area for 1-20 minutes with a cold compress. In this case of swelling, the bloody sperm will also disappear by itself.
If deemed necessary, the doctor will likely give medical treatment recommendations such as:
  • Antiinflammatory or anti-inflammatory drugs

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs can be therapeutic in treating bloody sperm caused by inflammation.
  • Antibiotic medicine

  • If it is caused by an infection, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics to treat infections that cause sperm bleed. It is important to note that the consumption of antibiotic drugs must be in accordance with the doctor's recommendations.
  • Medication according to medical conditions

  • In bleeding sperm caused by certain other medical conditions, such as high blood pressure or liver disease, the doctor may provide treatment according to the medical conditions that underlie the emergence of complaints of bloody sperm. By overcoming this disease, bloody sperm are expected to stop.
  • Operation

  • Bloody sperm that is caused due to a blockage in the ducts in the genitals and is considered insufficient if only treated with usual treatment, your doctor may recommend surgery. Surgery is also possible in cases of obstruction in the urinary tract, the presence of cancer and tumors in the prostate, or other genital tracts.
If sperm bleed is experienced only once and is not accompanied by other symptoms, the complaint will usually disappear by itself. However, be vigilant if sperm bleed occurs more than 3-4 weeks, accompanied by other symptoms such as pain when urinating or large, fever, bloody urine, low back pain, pain during ejaculation, to swelling in the scrotum. You are advised to see a doctor immediately, to find out the causes and ways to deal with blood sperm that is experienced.


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